What is NEXUS? 

NEXUS is THE space gathering to experience, connect, contribute to, envision, inspire & be inspired, create, share, explore, learn and foster an extraordinary future while building a better world, here and now.


When is it? 

Nexus 2023 will be held Tuesday, January 31, 2023 to Saturday, February 4, 2023


How did we get here? – 10%

In the last ten years, the 100 Year Starship has held several symposia, introduced an intensive form of thought development called Crucibles, held many online workshops, presented the dream and mission of interstellar in countless forums, organized educational efforts, established wide partnerships with different organizations, and engaged a wide-diversity of the population towards the most audacious mission in human history.

The 100 Year Starship is an organization that envisions a future in which we are no longer confined to this planet. By taking the first step into interstellar space, we will engage with and inspire generations of explorers with the dream of someday living among the stars. We are 10% of the way into our 100 Year mission: to develop the capability for interstellar travel. Join us as we look back on the critical steps from our origination to now and we look ahead to the next steps before us.


What is this conference about? 

NEXUS brings together the range of human experience, skills, knowledge, creativity, passion, commitment, resources, cultures, technologies, policy, investment, education, art, perspectives, and motivation needed to achieve such an extraordinary future. 


Who can participate? 

NEXUS invites all people to be a part of this grand evolution to expand beyond this beautiful planet and nurture our home where the majority of us will live for untold years to come.


How can people participate? 

  • People can participate both LIVE In-Person or Virtually.
  • Submitting for Workshops & Awards
  • Becoming a volunteer









Nexus Nairobi 2023 Partner Organizations

We exist to make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system a reality within the next 100 years. We unreservedly dedicate ourselves to identifying and pushing the radical leaps in knowledge and technology needed to achieve interstellar flight, while pioneering and transforming breakthrough applications that enhance the quality of life for all on Earth.

We actively seek to include the broadest swath of people and human experience in understanding, shaping, and implementing this global aspiration.

Taking up this task ignites not only our imagination, but the undeniable human need to push ourselves to accomplishments greater than any single individual.